An Interview with Designer Mauro Gatti
Part 2 of 2 (link to Part 1)
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Part 2 of 2 (link to Part 1)
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I'm just happy to be doing what I'm doing. And I can't think of any other way of working than looking at everything I do through an optimistic lens. I am quite cynical – or perhaps better said, I am a realist – when it comes to politics. But I have only good words to say about creativity!
How did your fascination with the world of toys begin?
In 2001, thanks to the pioneer artist James Jarvis and the clothing brand Silas, I stumbled upon this incredible phenomenon of toys made of vinyl. Years later my friend Piero (the founder of Atom Plastic) started to feed my new addiction. I'm now the proud "daddy" of toy after toy, as well as many beautiful objets d'art! I'm pretty satisfied when I look at my collection!
Toy sales must be though an extremely difficult field to get into, no? Despite being obviously a multi-billion EURO business throughout the world, how do you see your more ‘eclectic’ toys fitting in with say the likes of Barbie or others?
I've always been a fan of the "limited edition" concept, especially when it comes to collectible toys. So definitely, ‘mainstream’, mass-produced toys are not what I'd like to see inside Very Bravo.

‘The Slayer’ and ‘the Reaper’ are our first experiments in toy production. We still have a lot to learn but I'll always choose to invest more in quality than in profits. And I think that being a toy collector changes the way you see a toy: you are very meticulous about details and when you produce something it must fit your (high) standards.

Why start with something like these fellows that some might consider a bit, I don’t know, morbid?
Because my mind is morbid ^_^ – and because Very Bravo was born out of a very simple concept: bring a bit of humour to people. And my sense of humour is often associated with topics that go from sex to death.

Is getting your work ‘out there’ through primarily toy production your main goal now or again do different aspects of your design business aim for different end-use markets?
My main goal now is to keep on working on ideas and see how they can be applied to different mediums or products. For example, I'm really fascinated about the possibilities offered from the iPhone and iPad!
What would be your advice to a young student interested in not only design but especially toy design? How would you suggest that someone start and develop their career?

If you had to choose one area of all your different specialities – graphic design, illustration, video, toy design, etc. – to focus on today, what would it be?
100% illustration.
Also in terms of your business approach, when you get for example an assignment for Nike, MTV or Disney vs. say a somewhat smaller or more local account, how do you tackle such a task? Is there more pressure on something like the Nike account or do you have similar freedom to create with either type of assignment
I am very happy to say that I've been lucky enough to work on projects with a very high level of creative freedom. Sure, working for a big company like Nike adds more pressure on you; but in the end, all you have to do is breath, relax and do what you love to do.
One of my mentors once told me to put the same energy in every project or assignment, whether you’re creating a flyer for a small brand or on a big commission for a famous brand, or even if you’re working with a big budget or just for a proverbial pat on the back.
Because the only target that everything I create has is to make people smile (and think).
Now you’ve seen your works in print and television ads, on tee-shirts, posters, toys and much much more. What is a medium you have NOT yet used that you’d like to either explore as a designer or to especially see your work displayed on?
Sorry to say it again (seems like I've been paid by Steve Jobs) but the iPhone/iPad is the medium showing up right now on my radar! ^_^

Keeping things simple is the mantra I always repeat to myself. The target for Mutado is not to grow it into a big "we-can-do-everything" company but to focus mainly on character design, animation and everything that revolves around entertainment.
I think that if you stick to your original plan and don't lose yourself in all the smoke and mirrors of the market, sooner or later you'll see the results you want!
What happened to ‘The Brainbox’? I’m just curious, that was such a great web-site name!

What’s something that you would like everyone to remember from this interview about you and your work?
Life's too short to work the wrong job, to listen to boring music, to go on diets, drink bad wine and be unhappy. Oh, and a pug will change your life!
What’s next for Mauro Gatti, Mutado, your toys and more?
I'm thinking of moving for some months to Berlin. I love it there and I'm looking forward to making some new connections and having a world of new experiences.
Plus, Mutado is moving into version 2.0 so expect more and more good stuff in the future! In terms of myself, well, I’m always trying to find as much time as I can to focus on illustration, develop a better style and sharpen my humour and ideas. I'm open to new collaborations and adventures, so if someone is looking for an Italian touch, don't hesitate to ring my bell!

And while you’re enjoying this, we can highly recommend you also pour yourself some fine Italian wine, maybe put on your KISS Greatest Hits CD, and even check out some vintage Playboy magazines. Heck, in his own words, just enjoy every funny thing you come across!

All pictures, videos and other media are used with written permission of Mauro Gatti or are available in the public domain (noting copyright and other restrictions, accordingly). No further reproduction or duplication is permitted without contacting the artist directly.
Some pictures have been modified slightly or combined only for the purpose of space limitations.
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